Song from a Secret Garden

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

WOMEN, what do your shoes say about you?

Imagine if Prince Charming could suss what Cinderella was like the moment he layed eyes on her glass slipper - would there still have been a happily ever after?
According to psychologists, your shoes, just like your clothes, are blabbing loads about your personality, whether you like it or not.
So, the next time you want to send a message to Mr Right, slip on the perfect pair and let your feet do the talking.
You don't skimp on style for comfort 

While you're not going to subject yourself to painful stillettos or wobbly wedges, you're also not going to put a sartorial foot wrong, keeping things trendy with embellishments.

You're the life of the party 
You're a confident lass and you know what your sex appeal can get you. Some may call you silly, shallow and spoilt, but that's only because they're jealous.

You're the sweet, dependable girl 
Women who favour flats are usually great fashionistas, kind and considerate in nature. The lack of a towering heel make men feel more macho around you.

You're a classic beauty 
The fewer unnecessary frills in your life, the better. It's the simple life for you and a life you're very much in control of.

There's never a dull moment with you 
Bright colours are an indication that you're confident, sexy and all-round extroverted. They convery uniqueness and a girl who's not concerned about simply pleasing others.

You err on the side of caution 
Generally a girly girl, you're modern and elegant, but without being overly bold and daring.

No nonsense for you 
In relationships, you value reliability and trust the most. As a person, you're straight forward and love power.

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